April 1, 2020, Volume 22, No. 23
If you have a suggestion for the Maintenance Update, please send it to maintenance.line@usps.gov
Serving Postal Service Maintenance Professionals
Special Edition
Updated Cleaning Information AFTER a Confirmed
COVID-19 Case
In conjunction with the continued recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC), updated recommendations have been received and will be immediately implemented. This update is in
addition to the current guidance in MMO-031-20.
According to the CDC, the risk of exposure to cleaning staff is inherently low. In consultation with the
CDC and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), when a COVID-19 case has been
confirmed within a facility, the following is now recommended to aid in reducing secondary transmission from
work clothes (reminder to always avoid touching eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands):
Gloves and an additional disposable or washable outer layer (to cover torso) are now recommended.
The outer layer recommendation is to add an additional layer of protection to normal work clothes when
bending over surfaces while cleaning.
The CDC states coveralls, aprons, work uniforms, or an extra shirt can all be worn as an outer layer during
cleaning and disinfecting. Reusable (washable) clothing should be laundered afterwards using CDC guidance
on laundry (warmest temperature setting and fully dry the clothing piece). Disposable clothing must be
discarded after completing tasks. Clean hands after handling dirty laundry.
Again, the additional layer is a new recommendation from the CDC in an effort to reduce the possibility of
secondary transmission from touching one’s clothes after cleaning an area occupied by a confirmed COVID-19
case and then touching one’s face. By removing that secondary coverage layer for a) disposal or
b) laundering, it is believed the secondary transmission is reduced.
The CDC reiterates that cleaning staff and others should clean hands often, including immediately after
removing gloves or disposable outer layer and after contact with an ill person by washing hands with soap and
water for 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available and hands are not visibly dirty, an alcohol-based
hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol may be used. However, if hands are visibly dirty, always
wash hands with soap and water.
Month Day, 2012, Volume 14, No X
April 1, 2020, Volume 22, No. 23 MTSC HelpDesk: 800-366-4123
600 W. Rock Creek Rd.
Norman, OK 73069
(405) 573-2123
(800) 366-4123
Maintenance Update is a weekly publication
provided by the Maintenance Technical
Support Center. The information herein
does not take precedence over official
Postal Service documentation.
© 2020, United States Postal Service
Maintenance Technical Support Center
Additional key times to clean hands include:
After blowing one’s nose, coughing, or sneezing
After using the restroom
Before eating or preparing food
After contact with animals or pets
Before and after providing routine care for another person who needs assistance such as a child
HQ Maintenance Operations