April 3, 2020, Volume 22, No. 26
Serving Postal Service Maintenance Professionals
Maintenance Update
A weekly publication provided by the
Maintenance Technical Support Center. The
information herein does not take precedence
over official Postal Service documentation.
© 2020, United States Postal Service
Maintenance Technical Support Center
600 W. Rock Creek Rd.
Norman, OK 73069
Phone: (405) 573-2123
Special Edition
ALERT: National Shortage of PortionPac 16 oz. Bottles
HQ Maintenance Operations has been notified there is a shortage of PortionPac restroom specialist 16 oz.
plastic bottles. This national shortage has caused delays to the field. To fill current orders, PortionPac is
repurposing some of their inventory by applying Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
compliant PortionPac Germicidal Cleaner labels to bottles (Figure 1). HQ Maintenance wants facilities to be
aware that some sites will receive these labeled bottles. The only difference from the standard PortionPac
bottle is that these have an adhesive label applied instead of the information being screen printed directly on
the bottle.
This is an unprecedented and rapidly changing situation. PortionPac will be communicating with the Postal
Service to ensure supplies are provided to the field.
If the label becomes damaged (worn, torn, smeared, loose, etc.), the bottle MUST be removed from service
until a new label is applied or the bottle is replaced.
Figure 1. Labeled PortionPac Bottle, Back and Front
Ensure all special After-The-Fact Training is entered in the HERO Database
System on training completion: HAZCOM, HAZWHOPER, Bloodborne Pathogens,
Lockout/Tagout, Monthly CTC refresher training, etc.
HQ Maintenance Operations